Monday, January 31, 2011

23 Before 24

Things to do :

1) start climbing again
2) plan a trip and go
3) buy new wallet
4) buy new watches
5) start to compete again (climbing)
6) climbing trip.. (yyeaahh)
7) Broga Hill photo outing
8) Berkelah trip (1 day trip and camping)
9) saving?
10) hike a mountain
11) island vacation
12) find someone special? (maybe, maybe not)
13) Work HARDER...
14) 1st Wedding Photographer Project
15) instructor for National Service Coach
16) Represent Malaysia for any International Climbing Competition
17) continue my Study (aarrgghhh..)
18) Treat my Family a dinner
19) Buy new Office attire
20) Live the life i WANTED...

hahahah.. hopefully, all those will be done by this year..

(p/s : those with italic words are done already)


  1. kamu hanya ada 20 hari sahaja dari tarikh kamu post entry ni. sempat ke nak buat semua tu sebelum umur 24?

  2. sy baru nk masuk 23 la.. ishk awk ni pn..

  3. ehhhhhhhhhh......terlajak setahun lak...
